Somos® WaterShed XC 11122

Main advantages:

Stable size, high precision, fast processing speed, high transparency, excellent water resistance and chemical resistance, easy to use and after treatment


Investment casting, high precision parts with excellent transparency and water resistance, fluid flow analysis, piping system, lens

Viscosity: 260 CPS @ 30 ℃

Density: 1.12 g / cm3 @ 25 ℃

Color: white

Physical state: liquid

Main advantages:

Stable size, high precision, fast processing speed, high transparency, excellent water resistance and chemical resistance, easy to use and after treatment


Investment casting, high precision parts with excellent transparency and water resistance, fluid flow analysis, piping system, lens

Viscosity: 260 CPS @ 30 ℃

Density: 1.12 g / cm3 @ 25 ℃

Color: white

Physical state: liquid


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